False alarm, I don't, but when most people do, this is probably what goes through most peoples' heads (does this sound like you?):
The fact that you have practiced your scales and your solo peice like crazy and you know you know everything you need to know, but are afraid that you will mess up anyway in front of the judges.
The fact that you only get one opportunity to get into a particular ensemble, and if you mess up, the judges won't give you a second chance, NO EXCEPTIONS.
This is quite a common problem when auditions just pop right out of a corner.
About a month ago, I was participating in the North Carolina Eastern Regional Orchestra. You have to audition to get in, and I remember just feeling all this pressure coming at me; this was the first time I have auditioned for this type of orchestra! You do not know how happy I was when I found out I got in!
During our clinic, our conductor, Jim Waddelow, was talking to us about things that get in the way of having the perfect audition! I can't believe I still remember these, but I found it so helpful that I had to blog about it!
1. Wash your hands in alcohol: Not so much alcohol that a person can smell it from 10 miles. Washing your hands in alcohol (the type you buy at the pharmacy to clean wounds) will help improve your performance because if you get sweaty hands, the alcohol will keep your hands completely dry!
2. Excercise the day before: If your heart rate skyrocks hours (or maybe even minutes) before your audition, then I recommend you do this! Go running! Go swimming! Take an aerobics class! Cycle around your neighborhood! Do something that will make you tired! If you excercise the day before, this makes it so your normal heart rate is the one that you had while and after you were excercising, it takes away some of that unnecessary energy for the audition! I hope that made sense!
3. Eat A Banana: He had a good reason on why this helps if you eat a banana the morning before an audition. I wish I remembered!
I hope this helped!!!